Sunday 17 June 2012

Morning Noon and Night - Sidney Sheldon

A power revered by presidents and kings, a fortune unsurpassed by few people on earth: all that ended for Harry Stanford the day he mysteriously-and fatally-plunged from his luxury yacht into the Mediterranean Sea. Then, back home in Boston, as the family gathers to grieve for his memory and to war over his legacy, a stunningly beautiful young woman appears. She claims to be Stanford's long-lost daughter and entitled to her share of his estate. Now, flaming with intrigue and passion through the glamorous preserves of the world's super rich, the ultimate game of wits begins, for stakes too dazzling and deadly to imagine.


Sidney Sheldon

Wow!! One of the best Sidney Sheldon I have read.The book is a classic.You never know what to expect as you keep turning pages.The plot is a good old one - a wealthy father cruel to his children and the children trying to get hold of their father's wealth.But Sidney has made it a refreshing tale filled with twists and turns that make you feel if riding in a roller coaster is better.The witty and cold - blooded Judge Tyler Stanford, the soft Kendall Stanford, the drug addict Woodrow Stanford make a great combination and add to it Julia Stanford! now thats what I call a family.

The dreary life of Woodrow and Peggy Stanford and the blackmail letters received by Kendall add spice to the central plot.The character of Julia Stanford is a thing of beauty.She could have been portrayed a little more deeply.The various crimes committed by Tyler Stanford eventually dig his grave.

A perfect entertainer that keeps you glued to the pages.A must - read for all ages.The master story - teller has stood up to my expectations again.This time in an even better way.

Rating: 4.1/5

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